

Posted by スサノヲ(スサノオ) at 23:27 │Comments( 1 ) 古代史に見る日本文化考







 山添村の神野山(奈良県と三重県の境にある大和高原の山)周辺に点在する巨石群は、GPSの調査などで星座の位置が一致したため、夏の大三角形を構成する星々と天の川を地上に投影したものでないかと考えられている(夏の大三角形に対応する巨石が王塚=デネフ・天狗岩=アルタイル・八畳岩=ベガ、天の川がなべくら渓、蠍座のアンタレスに対応するのが竜王岩、古代七夕信仰の跡なのか? 北極星=神野寺があり古くは巨石か祭祀跡があったのか? 北野の明星岩は金星か? オリオンの三つ星に対応する巨石も見つかったそうだ)。










 しかし、巨石はいまの土木技術でも動かすのは大変なのに、古代の人はどんな風にして動かしたのであろうか? 山添村には、説明のできない太古の謎が数多く残されている。





 ◆神野山周辺の巨石群は、古代の磐座信仰か?  (2007-03-08 00:41)
 ◆出雲神話と高天原神話を繋ぐスサノヲ(一)  (2006-10-16 23:47)

Doctor Who is now considered a British Institute and has come a long way since it first aired on November 23rd 1963. The very first show saw the Doctor travel 100,00 years into the past to help some dim cavemen discover light. After 26 seasons and seven Doctors later the series came off our screens in 1989 much to the disappointment of the huge devoted fanbase. In 1996 an attempt was made to revive Doctor Who but it wasnt until June 2005 when it came back with a vengeance with Christopher Eccleston as the ninth Doctor that put the series back on the map as it were. It then went on for 5 years with David Tenant portraying the Doctor until 2010 when Matt Smith took over the role. Today it is still a great family show and has attracted many new fans.

If youre a new or old fan of the show there are Tours and museums you can go and see some of the locations and memorabilia of this classic show. The Doctor Who Tour of London will take you on over 15 locations from the show, some from the new series and some from old sites like the location of The Invasion and Resurrection of the Darleks. The tour also takes you to the TV museum in London where you will get to see some of the cosumes worn in the show and props used. Also you can buy gifts and memorabilia from the shop.

You will learn all about how the shows were made so the tour is also educational. If you want to take pictures of the locations thats not a problem. Remember the front door of 10 Downing Street in Aliens of London? Well you can get up and close to this and get your picture taken in front of the door. Rose Tyler fans will love the tour as you get to drop by her home in the show.

Why not go that extra mile and actually meet a Doctor Who star. Well this is possible with private or group tours. You will get the general tour but included will be a pre-arranged meeting or lunch with a celebrity from the show. This will obviously depend on availability of the celebrity and the cost will reflect the popularity of that celebrity.

There are tours in London and also Wales. The Wales tours take you to Cardiff where you will see lots of location which were featured in shows since 2005. You can leave from London or at Leigh Delamere services station on the M4. There is a Doctor Who exhibition in Cardiff which you get to see. At the end of the Doctor Who tour you get a souvenir group picture sent you by email which is a nice touch.

For seriously devoted Doctor Who fans there is a 3 day tour which takes you to all the locations in both London and Cardiff. You will see locations from the past 45 years as well as recent sites from the lasted Doctor Who series. Day one is based in London where you get to see 15 sites. Day two takes you to Cardiff where you get to mean the real life owner of the to see we have an Gothic property used as the location of the school in Human Nature. The final day is partly spent in Cardiff with a walking tour at Cardiff Bay, then you head back to London but a stop at Stonehenge to see the site of the Pandoica. Then its dinner at The Cloven Hoof pub in Devils End b efore you taken back to central London.

Posted by TerryMuh at 2017年10月03日 07:02